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Pastor Sharon Stewart-Alexander

Community Leader · Educator · Pastor

Pastor Sharon Stewart-Alexander has been a public school teacher and educator for 29 years, particularly focused on the areas of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) and special education. She recieved her Masters in Education from The Ohio State University. Pastor Sharon grew up on 15th Avenue in the Linden area and is a product of Columbus City Public Schools. She is positioned to navigate the dynamics of outreach, engagement and empowerment of this community. She founded the Pavilion Ministries Church is 2009 to create a space that fostered safety, love and appreciation within the people of her community. Almost a decade later, the Church birthed the non-profit Pavilion Industries Inc. as a secular space for bringing together children, youth and families across faiths and backgrounds in Columbus, Ohio to provide support and resources to transcend systemic barriers. 

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Minister Margie Nwoko

Community Leader · Flag Dancer · Minister

Minister Margie Ann Nwoko is a native of Shelby, Mississippi. She is a family woman who has been happily married for over 28 years, with two adult children and four beautiful grandchildren. She and her husband are business owners in the United States and Africa. Margie can be found ministering to her patrons while in the community. She is well loved and often has community members seeking her out for guidance and comfort in times of hardship. She is a member of the Pavilion Ministries Church where she co-labors with her sister Pastor Sharon Stewart Alexander in Columbus, Ohio. Minister Margie is a servant of the Lord and is a Levitical worshiper in the body of Christ. She believes she is here to serve all people, across faiths and backgrounds, and ensure they are able to realize peace and love in their lives.  


Minister Paisha Brown

Life Coach· Instructor· Consultant

Minister Paisha is one of the leading community advocates in central Ohio for mentoring and developing youth and young adults. Minister Paisha has been a Life Skills Coach for the past 20 years, with certification with the Ohio Department of Mental Health and addictions Services and Chemical dependency Counseling and Prevention. She has been the noted speaker at many Pavilion industry events including Summer Youth Explosions, and Life Coaching centers for affiliate church communities.
She addresses vital issues in the community such as mental health and chemical dependency addictions for young adults, and mentoring and development of young mothers with strong concerns for the infant mortality rate, Post natal care after the first six weeks of  life. She conducts and delivers energized seminars to educate & empower our youth as future leaders in the community. She is endowed with exceptional skills in communicating life Culture views,  information to sophisticated and non-sophisticated clientele.



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